All shows air on the Geocache Talk Network YouTube channel on the
2nd Tuesday of every month @ 8PM central.
Latest Show
Challenge Talk – Show 50.0 – What’s New with Project-GC?
Once a month we talk about all things Challenge Caching – from statistics, to challenge guides and strategies, to highlighting unique, interesting, and fun challenge caches around the world. There are also TWO ways to win prizes on every show!
Wheel of Challenges!
On every show we hold a live listener contest – be the first to email the correct answer to a question and you will face the Wheel of Challenges! This wheel contains a variety of hand-selected challenge caches from 1.0 through 5.0 Difficulty ratings, and the first to answer correctly will have their profile testing for qualification against whichever challenge the wheel chooses.
On a successful test, the winner will be given a 1 year Project-GC membership!
Monthly Challengers!
Each month we highlight a selection of challenge cache ideas sent in by listeners from around the world. Anyone who sends in a challenge cache they qualify for since the last show (that means the Found It log is dated after the prior show date) will be entered into a random draw.
The winner who’s chosen from among all qualifying monthly challengers will win a shiny new Challenge Talk geocoin!
Browser enhancements for Firefox and Chrome provide additional functionality for use with geocaching.com. During the show some features may be seen while sharing a screen and using the website. Here are the tools and locations for various extensions that may be seen:
These extension scripts require TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey to be installed to work properly.